Monday, May 23, 2005

NY to AZ, Day One

I began my journey around 11am on Sunday. I was excited to fill up my gas tank for the first time using my new rewards credit card that gives me 5% back on gas purchases. NY and NJ went by quickly but why is Pennsylvania so damn long. Also, why do they have signs up every half hour for construction that is not actually going on? Then on to West Virginia. I didn't realize that WV pokes up between PA and OH. So that was short, then on to Ohio which is the answer to the riddle, "What state is round on both sides and high in the middle?" Ohio went by rather uneventfully and soon I was in Indiana. I am now about an hour from Indianapolis where I am staying in a budget hotel for the night. I have learned in my 30mins at this hotel that I will go for the $40 hotel room tomorrow instead of the $30 one. Needless to say this hotel doesn't have internet access, which is why you are getting this a day late.

I was just trying to think of something funny to write about how if this is what my dorm room looked like last year that I would have killed myself. Then I realized that my dorm room for the last year was about this nice. Possibly worse. But the cold water faucet actually worked in my dorm room, and the hot water came out faster than a trickle. On the positive side, all four walls of the hotel room match, which is more than I can say for my old dorm room. Oh, one more sign that you are in the Midwest, according to a note left on my bed, my housekeeper has been "Kelly". One more thing. Apparently there is a man named Mr. Raper who has a large RV store. There are about 10 billboards when you first get into Indiana. At first I thought they were a joke but no, you can call 1-800-RAPER-RV. Also, that particular area of Indiana is known as "Raper County" according to him.

Now about some of the pictures I took. On the road I drove in and out of rain all day. The picture of the semi driving at me is not photoshopped in any way. As you can see I did get to enjoy some sun, and it was up in the seventies in central PA. I saw some interesting vehicles along the way and got a few shots of those.