Friday, July 22, 2005

Big bug

Found this guy on a cube yesterday. he was still alive and we held up the marker for size comparison. apparently there area lot of roaches and bugs in the desert.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Greasy popcorn

The funny stuff you see every once in a while when you are at just the right angle.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My New Personal Record in Bowling

I got a new high score in bowling tonight. My high game was 257. I also had a 200 Game before that, which was also a personal best. For the 5 Games I bowled tonight, my average was 176.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Only in a honda civic

Two engine civic

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Shiny Sparkly Balls

Since I've been in Arizona I've been bowling with some friends quite a bit. It became a 2-3 night a week activity and the shoe rental fee was killing me. So last week I bought a pair of bowling shoes. They were running a special that included a ball, bag, and shoes for $100, so I upgraded to that and got a ball too. I chose the model called "Blazing Fire", red with orange. Included with the ball was custom hole drilling. This part was pretty cool. The guy at the store took this protractor looking device and used it to measure my hand and finger sizes.

I've noticed the abundance of Tanning Salons here in my local area. It really amazes me that tanning companies can exist and be profitable in the US city with the most sunny days per year (310). It's pretty impressive to be selling sunlight in a place that has been sunny for every day I've been here.