Monday, January 16, 2006

I've been put on notice

It feels like its been a while since I last posted, maybe because a lot has happened in the last few weeks. I finished up my internship at Intel in Arizona the week before Christmas then drove back to NY. The trip was pretty uneventful. I took a southern route to avoid the colder temperatures, which took me through Dallas, Atlanta, and up the East Coast on my way back to New York. I kept my self entertained talking to friends and family on the cell phone and listening to sirius radio. My little two seater was packed to the gills, my laundry basket on the front seat and every concievable nook and cranny filled.

Once I got back to NY I repainted my room off-white with one blue "accent" wall. Since I haven't watched queer-eye recently I wasn't familiar with that term, but luckily my brother's metrosexuality helped me as he became my interior decorating consultant.

I got back to work on the website I've been working on since the first week in December. After a month of working nearly every night on the computer, finally launched yesterday. This is a site I created with Pieter, my friend and roommate in AZ. The idea is to compare how your friends in your MySpace Top 8 rank you versus how you rank them. The site takes a look at a MySpace user profile and looks for the order of your Top 8 friends, then goes to their pages and looks at the order of their Top 8's. It then puts this information into an algorithm to come up an 8 Rate Score. If you don't use MySpace, well, you probably will have no use for this site. But if you do, you should find it pretty entertaining comparing your score with your friends. Either way be sure to check it out and give me feedback on it since we just launched and we are still testing and improving it.