Tuesday, November 22, 2005

New Content

I wanted to post something new before I go home for Thanksgiving break tomorrow. Today is the official launch of the new Xbox 360 Video Game console. The retail price for the "Premium" system which comes with most accessories you need but without any games is $400. The stupefying thing is due to the incredible got-to-have-it-before-anyone-else demand, systems are selling for $700-1100 on eBay. Kind of makes me wish I camped out last night to pick one up. I would have made an easy 100% gain or more overnight by just selling it on eBay the next day.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

More Propaganda

Well not exactly, but I did read a good article about the oil company executives meeting with congress this week. I like the author's point about taking responsibility for our actions and his prediction of seeing the real-estate industry in congress in a few years when people can't afford their mortgages.
Despite the lessons of the '70s and '80s, when gas got cheap in the '90s, we spent money on giant cars. When bank money got cheap in the noughts, we demanded the 1,000-square-foot "executive estate" 50 miles from work.

Now I realize that this is a generalization but I think he's on point for the average American's attitude.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Don't call me cheap

Ok, call me what you will, but I thought this part from a book I'm reading was interesting:
"Many of us are looking back longingly to an era when gifts were not obligations but expressions of our generosity, when couples didn't use bridal registries as shopping lists, and when kids didn't hand out must-have Christmas lists. The commercialization of gift giving, with all its social pressures, seems to have taken some of the meaning out of the exchange. And the irony is that is has also taken away some of the value."
So shove your pipe up your ass and smoke it.