Saturday, May 28, 2005

Thoughts on Driving in Arizona after 5 days

First, it's damn hot here. The sun heats up the ground so tremendously during the day that at 5-6pm the ground temp is significantly hotter than the air temp (and the air is about 95~100F). When I walk in a parking lot I feel the heat radiating from the ground on my legs while simultaneously being beaten down by the sun's rays. I'm getting used to it, and every day seems more tolerable. Actually I'm starting to like it. There's just certain things that take getting used to. Some things I've noticed while driving around:
  • Its hot enough outside that when I turn my car on for the first time, it's up to temp in about 30 seconds or less.
  • Having the radio up real loud so I can hear it over the A/C which is always on high.
  • Finding a parking spot is a different process than in NY. Instead of simply looking for the closest spot, any spot that has atleast partial shade is quickly swiped. It doesn't matter if the shade is provided by trees, bushes, or signs. It also doesn't matter if the spot is half a mile from the store.
  • The roads here for the most part are completely straight and the main roads are 3-4 lanes wide. Reminds me of South Florida. It's kinda cool that when Chandler was urbanly planned (is that a word?) the main roads were laid out in a grid 1 mile apart.