Tuesday, June 07, 2005

We go back like fat crayons

Got my first assignment at work yesterday. I've been working on a piece of code to compare two files and plot the differences between them. I'm learning linux and perl along the way. I Ate lunch at Chipotle today. Everyone who has been there knows how damn big the burritos are, but I always thought they were pretty healthy for you if you didn't get sour cream, cheese, or avacado. Well think again. Turns out a burrito with just rice and chicken has 27g of fat. Add beans or fajita vegetables and you can add atleast another 12g of fat. A fully optioned burrito with all the fixins packs an elephantine 72g of fat and over 1500 calories. While they are freakin huge, usually almost 1.5 pounds, it's still shocking to me because I always thought chipotle was a healthy option.

Later, I got my first adult haircut in about 3 years. By adult I mean not simply clipping on a #4 to a buzzer and cutting it all the same length. This is also the first haircut I've paid for in the last 3 years. Since I was paying I decided to get a fade from 2 to 4, something I definately can't do myself. I'm happy with it, and I'll go back when I need another haircut, but it still kinda pisses me off to spend $15 to get my hair cut. Probably always will.