Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Pissed off from being pissed on

Like the title says, today I was thinking about how it sucks when I'm using the urinal and I get splash back on my pants, shirt and shoes. I tried aiming for different parts of the urinal but there doesn't seem to be a sweet spot on the ones at work. I was thinking about this problem and I came up with an idea for a differently shaped urinal that might reduce some of the splashback. My design has a sloped back that causes the spray reflections to be aimed down towards the bowl portion on the urinal instead of back at the user. This backward sloped angle is the critical component in the splash reduction design. One problem I though of was how will the flusher work? The water will come out of jets aimed at the top of the back wall, shown in the diagram, and flow along the surface. Looks like someone else has been thinking about this. Here is someone who actually got a patent on an anti-splashback design. My internet search also brought me to this site, check out the top 10. Also, if you have time to kill, play the urinal game and test your bathroom skillz.

Checked my bandwidth here at home on cnet's tester and got 5.9mbs, a new record. That seems pretty good to me but check it for yourself and let me know if that is high, low, whatever.